
A daunting topic to most students and doctors, this section aims to simplify the process of a foetus developing from an embryo in the womb. This information can then be directly applied to understand pathology and guide treatment.
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1. The Basics of Embryology

  • Understand the stages of development of the human embryo
  • Understand the progression through weeks and how each of the germ layers develops during this time
  • Be aware of the germ layers and how these correspond to full-term organs and their development

2. Development of the Gastrointestinal Tract

  • Be aware of the structure of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Understand the foregut, midgut, hindgut classifications and their boundaries
  • Understand the basic anatomy of the gut, including the mesenteries and omenta
  • Understand the concept of peritoneal and retroperitoneal
  • Understand the embryological development of the gut and how it relates to its function

3. Development of the Reproductive Systems

  • Understand the progression of development of the reprductive tracts and gonads
  • Understand the hormonal control of these developmental mechanisms
  • Be aware of the gubernaculum, its function and descent and the potential complications related to this
  • Be aware of potential issues with the development of the genitalia and how these present in the newborn or adult

4. Development of the Urinary System

  • Coming soon!

5. Development of the Respiratory System

  • Be aware of a basic outline of the embryological development of the respiratory system and how this can lead to birth and further developmental defects
  • Understand the basic neonatal complications of embryological development

6. Development of the Head and Neck

  • Understand the individual components of the head and neck and how they evolve embyrologically and chronologically
  • Understand the nervous, muscular, cartilaginous and arterial developments of the pharyngeal arches
  • Understand why certain birth deformities e.g. cleft lip and palate may develop from an embryological point of view
  • Understand the development of the thyroid gland, tongue and pituitary gland and how knowing this information can aid in clinically distinguishing neck lumps

7. Development of the Nervous System

  • Coming soon!

8. Embryology of the Cardiovascular System (CVS)

  • Understand how the cardiovascular system develops in utero
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